What is db29.exe and how to remove it?

db29.exe - Downloader.Generic14.HTD.

What is db29.exe?

db29.exe is a Trojan downloader that can download and install malware on your computer. Trust me when I say that you really don't want this Trojan Horse inhabiting your computer. This particularly evil form of malware is sneaky, underhand and will do anything it can to install itself (without your knowledge) on your computer. And to add insult to injury, you are actually allowing the Trojan to infiltrate your PC – even though you don't know it.. Multiple anti-virus engines have detected malware in this file, for example, Downloader.Generic14.HTD, Gen:Variant.FakeAV.120, Win32:PUP-gen [PUP], Trojan.Agent/Gen-Downloader. It does not have any version or vendor information. It does not have valid digital signatures as well. It runs from C:\Windows\TEMP\ and constantly checks for updates or commands from C&C servers controlled by cyber criminals. Usually, this malware creates multiple instances of db29.exe (up to 20 or even more) going up to 500,000 K of memory usage. If you try to shut them down they will coming back, so don't waste your time. Needless to say, it is not essential for Windows and may cause some serious problems. You can also get this error pop-up saying that the Setup was enable to automatically close all applications. The error pop-up shows up roughly once every 5 to 10 minuets. I recommend you to remove db29.exe and related malware from your computer. Run a full system scan with anti-malware software.

File name: db29.exe
Publisher: Unknown
File Location Windows XP: C:\Windows\TEMP\db29.exe
File Location Windows 7/8: C:\Windows\TEMP\db29.exe
Startup file: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run → db29.exe

Here's an example of an error caused by db29.exe malware:

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