Upnpcont.exe by Wyebugur.
What is upnpcont.exe?
Upnpcont.exe is a part of a program called VYUPPUE. It has been detected as malware by multiple anti-virus engines: Win64/Asterope.C, Trojan.Passwords.Papras, Trojan.Agent/Gen-Dropper. VirusTotal scan report can be found here. Once installed, this malware will create multiple instances of upnpcont.exe (sometimes even up to twenty) and will cause your computer run slow or even crash unexpectedly. Even though it runs from a IEUpdate folder it doesn't belong to Internet Explorer web browser and it's not digitally signed by Microsoft. Cyber criminals simply want to make you believe that it's a system file but it's not. File description "ebtyuxyjf jifo vifo ymohbiipu unow" clearly shows that it's a suspicious program to say the least. With so many malicious programs trying to hijack our browsers and hold our files to ransom, fraudsters attempting to hack into our bank accounts and steal our identities or annoying tools trying to manipulate our Internet searches, it can sometimes feel like a miracle that we actually dare to spend any time online at all! From serious strains of malware to worms, viruses and Potentially Unwanted Programs upnpcont.exe is just one of many malicious programs that should be removed from your computer as soon as possible. Keep in mind that it can download and install even more malware on your computer. I recommend running a full system scan with anti-malware software because you can't really know what else came with this malware.
File name: upnpcont.exe
Publisher: Wyebugur
File Location Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\IEUpdate\upnpcont.exe
File Location Windows 7/8: C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEUpdate\upnpcont.exe
Startup file: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run → upnpcont.exe