db444.exe - Trj/Genetic.gen.
What is db444.exe?
db444.exe has been detected as a Trojan horse by multiple anti-virus programs. Trojan Horse computer programs are equally as sly – and potentially equally as harmful to your computer as their wooden counterpart of yore was to Troy. A Trojan Horse will be disguised as a regular, legitimate program. You want, or need, this new program so you install or run it on your PC – and what do you know? You have been duped into executing a Trojan Horse. db444.exe may also be spread via emails or instant messenger applications. You'll receive a mail or a message from an unknown user, albeit one that looks perfectly legit, however the attachment or link contained within will be infected with a Trojan Horse. Opening the file or clicking on the link will trigger the download. Db444.exe infection is extremely unpleasant. It can make changes to your hard drive, corrupt – or even delete - your files and steal your data. Some variants of this Trojan horse, which are known as Backdoor Trojans, give the developer the ability to remotely access your computer and operate it from afar, turning it into what is known as a zombie computer. Far less entertaining than The Walking Dead, this is obviously frightening - and a gross infringement of your privacy. What is more, once infected your computer will become noticeably slower. It can also display error pop-ups and messages as show in the image below. Needles to say, I recommend you to remove db444.exe and related malware from your computer. Run a full system scan with anti-malware software.
File name: db444.exe
Publisher: Unknown
File Location Windows XP: C:\Windows\TEMP\db444.exe
File Location Windows 7/8: C:\Windows\TEMP\db444.exe
Startup file: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run → db444.exe
Here's an example of an error caused by db444.exe malware: