The warning reads:
An intrusion attempt by [edited].com was blocked.
IPS Alert Name: System Infected: Trojan. Zbot Activity 15
Default Action: No Action Required.
Action Taken: No Action Required
Attacking Computer: [edited].com
Attacker URL: [edited].com/z
Destination Address: Becky-PC [edited]
Source Address: [edited]
Traffic Description: TCP, www-http
Network traffic from [edited].com/z matches the signature of a known attack.
The attack was resulted from \Device\Harddiskvolume2\Windows\Syswow64\dllhost.exe
Of course, you know how the story goes – once the wooden horse was rolled inside the city walls, after the Trojans had gone to sleep and under the cover of darkness, the Greek soldiers who were hiding inside the horse crept out and opened the gates to their fellow countrymen.
And if you know anything about the Trojan Horses of today, you'll see the parallels that can be drawn between the two: the horse and the malware.
Yesteryear's ancient Greeks (or the Greeks in that particular story anyway!) are today's malware programmers. They have created a product which for all intents and purposes looks harmless, fun or even useful and they convince you to download it – or accept it within your city walls, if you will. You do so, not suspecting anything is wrong, and then as soon as YOUR Trojan.Zbot Activity 15 Trojan Horse is installed on your computer, it will cause you untold misery – just as it did all those years go for the Trojans.
Trojan.Zbot Activity 15 Trojans are one of the nastier types of malware and their characteristics run the gamut of everything from annoying (pop-up windows) to downright dangerous. Some of their favorite things to do are to damage your files beyond repair, corrupt your data, weaken your PC's security, and even install more malware on your machine. Some Trojan.Zbot Activity 15 variants install keyloggers which are designed to steal your data by monitoring which keys you're typing. Put simply, if you have a Trojan on your computer, you want rid of it – and quick.
As touched upon above, in the majority of cases you will be the one who is ultimately responsible for the download – because you've been tricked into downloading the Trojan.Zbot Activity 15. There are a number of ways that Trojans present themselves to you – all of them seemingly innocuous.
Spam email and instant messenger apps are big culprits, and will try and tempt you into installing the Trojan Horse through various enticing links or attachments. Peer to Peer files are another popular method used by malicious software programs. You may even find yourself at the mercy of a Trojan Horse simply by visiting a website that has been targeted by the programmer, which, while still extremely annoying, means that at least you can't really blame yourself for clicking on a rogue link in an email!
To remove Trojan.Zbot Activity 15 virus and other threats that may have been installed on your computer, please follow the removal guide below. If you have questions, leave a down comment below. I will be more than happy to help you. Good luck and be safe online!
Written by Michael Kaur,
Trojan.Zbot Activity 15 Removal Guide:
1. First of all, download recommended anti-malware software and run a full system scan. It will detect and remove this infection from your computer.
NOTE: If you are using Internet Explorer and can't download anti-malware software because "Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded" then please reset IE security settings and try again.
2. Download and run TDSSKiller. Press the button Start scan for the utility to start scanning.
3. Wait for the scan and disinfection process to be over. Then click Continue. Please reboot your computer after the disinfection is over.